Sports Guide: Show The Games Your Guests Care About

Sports Guide from 먹튀탐정 makes displaying the games that matter to your guests easy. It’s customized to your location and program providers, so you can see just the stations available at your venue.
A soft news story spotlights an athlete or unveils important sports-related news. This type of article often includes quotes from athletes and coaches.
Soft stories
A soft news story takes a step back from the hard-news format, using quotes and personal insights to tell an interesting story about a character or topic. This type article can be as simple and straightforward as a profile on a sports star, or as complex and detailed as an essay on a sport’s history.
This profile of wheelchair-rugby player Zak Madell includes quotes from Madell and Madell’s mother to give a richer picture of his career and life. This type of narrative is best told using multimedia. Digital storytelling platforms like Shorthand make it easy to do.
Feature stories
In sports journalism, feature stories are more than just a recap of a match or score update. It is a narrative that explores the human side of athletes. It can be a story that takes readers into a struggling underdog’s world, or a story about the impact of an athlete on a local community. These stories are a great way to add variety and depth to your sports coverage.
A sports profile is a feature story that takes the strategy of news feature writing and applies it to an individual player or coach. Sports profiles are different from the traditional game story which summarizes the key points of a match. They focus on the emotions experienced by the athlete during the game, their past, and their future goals.
A typical feature article begins with a bold revelation. For example, the fact that Mountain View High School’s second-string quarterback Robert Jameson scored the winning touchdown against Canyon del Oro High School during the final seconds of a game. The story then recounts the big plays, explains the final score, and provides after-game insight from players and coaches. Unlike the straight-lead Game Story, this type of story usually skips over the scores, since fans already know them from watching TV. The writer then ties everything together with a quote from a star athlete. The resultant article is usually more compelling than a straight-forward game story.
Season previews and wrap-up stories
Sportswriters are responsible for providing readers with a broader perspective, whether the season is just about to start or has ended in glory or shame. Season wrap-ups and previews are staples in the sports section. They describe what coaches and players expect from an upcoming season or how they feel about its end.
Sportswriters must take care not to overstate their opinion in these articles. This is a risky move because it can alienate readers who are expecting unbiased news. Sportswriters should not make predictions about a particular team’s future, but instead focus on the strengths as well as weaknesses of each team. This approach will give the writer more credibility, and a larger audience.
Another popular type of sports writing is the game story. These pieces describe the highlights and important plays of a particular game in detail. They may also include other interesting details such as the playing conditions, weather, and a description of each player’s performance. In newspapers that have limited space, game stories are particularly popular.
The human element of sports is often a big draw for fans, and these stories can provide great insight into the way that athletes think. A game story that focuses on a single athlete’s actions, such as a fumble recoveries that saves a game, can be very powerful.
Make sure your guests enjoy the best possible viewing experience by having the correct sports programming available. With the SportsTV Guide, you can easily see what games are on, and on which stations. The Guide can be customized according to your location, program providers and favorite teams.
Opinion columns
Opinion columns in Sports Guide, also known as editorials or op/ed pieces are opinions from people who aren’t on the regular staff. Columns should be informative, well-written and clearly present the writer’s viewpoint on an issue or topic that is important to a wide audience of readers.
If you want to write an opinion piece that is strong, make sure you research the topic thoroughly and interview experts in the field. Avoid making assumptions and writing what you think your audience wants to hear. Be sure to include facts and research that support your arguments, and use a style that all readers can understand.
A strong column requires many skills. These include the ability to develop an interesting storyline, be creative with your approach, report accurately, and be able edit well. Higgins encouraged students to ask questions and be observant in his session on how to write a sports article. He also recommended that writers focus on their passion for the game and let their passion come through in their writing.
Game descriptions
With so many games playing on so many channels, it can be hard to keep track of what’s on and when. Sports Guide makes it easy for guests to find every game, every day. You’ll be able to find everything, from major pro games, international matches, Internet-only streams, PPV events, and Internet-only telecasts to obscure college and high school games. View your Guide by Time or filter it by Sport, and even choose to highlight your favorite teams so they appear in bold at the top of your custom Guide. You can also print a clean copy to keep behind the bar or at your entertainment station, or anywhere you frequently change stations.
You can embed your Guide on your website, newsletters or social media channels and show your fans that you are serious about sports. When a guest asks what’s on, then you can confidently tell them that you can show what they want.