10 Summer Travel Health Tips for Kids

It’s nearly summer, and you may be beginning to make your summer travel plans. Nothing can ruin a vacation more than one of your children getting sick. These 10 tips will help keep your children happy and healthy during your summer travel. You could also buy them beginner inline skates from www.skates.com/pages/best-inline-skates-for-beginners.
- Plan ahead for prescriptions (including contacts)
If your children have prescriptions, including prescription glasses or contacts, make sure you have extra while traveling.
- Make a list of medical supplies
Bandaids, antacids, hand sanitizers, tweezers, etc., are all important for travel. If you are camping or in an unfamiliar location, you might not have the easy access to a corner store that you might at home. If you make a list and use that to pack all of the basic medical supplies, you can avoid the necessity of rushing to a corner store, with a crying child, when you might not know where one is.
- Plan for skin care
Think about where you are traveling this summer and plan accordingly. For example, if you are going to Florida, think about bringing clothes that cover your child’s skin or pack sunscreen to prevent sunburn and an aloe-based lotion for the sunburn your child will likely get anyway.
- Beat the bugs
Your child will not be happy if the majority of the summer vacation is spent itching their would-be easily preventable bug bites. Make sure to pack bug spray, mosquito netting, and any other applicable bug-prevention items that you are able to bring to stay on the safe side.
- Vaccines
If you are planning to travel to other countries, check with your child’s doctor to decide whether there are any recommended or necessary vaccines for travel.
- Drink safely
If your child drinks the tap water at home, make sure they understand that they should not drink the tap water while you are travelling. Even if you know that the tap water is safe to drink, it may still cause digestive upset . Whenever you can, drink bottled water while traveling.
- Pack healthy snacks
Traveling doesn’t mean you have to eat bad and make poor food choices. Pack fruits and vegetables in a cooler, if you can, while traveling or bring high protein snacks to help prevent your kids from getting hungry. If you are intending on stopping at restaurants for meals, try to plan ahead and find restaurants that offer healthier menus rather than relying on a fast food. When you are in a healthy state of body and mind, high is the chance you’d do really well playing some fun sports betting games via www.ufabet168s.com.
- Find a hospital
If you are planning on traveling to a specific destination, such as a particular campsite, do a quick online search to find the closest hospital before you leave. If you can, print out the directions and keep them with your first aid or program them into a GPS. At very least, this will let you have the peace of mind that if your child does get injured, you already know where to go.
- Try to keep routines
If at all possible, try to keep the mealtime and nap time routines the same. This will help your child adjust to the change in location easier and also helps prevent undue stress.
- Wash hands often
While washing hands may be basic hygiene, it’s worth reminding your kids the importance of washing their hands, especially while traveling.